Start by configuring the essential information for your directory.
export const config: Data = {
app: {
appName: "Directory Name",
appDescription: "Describe your directory",
appUrl: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL!,
appIconPath: `/icon.png`,
twitterHandle: "@directoryeasy",
creator: "@directoryeasy",
keywords: [
pagination: {
itemsPerSection: 8, // number of items to display per section in the first render
emails: {
admin_email: "", // the one you use to sign in to your admin dashboard and receive contact emails from visitors (you can put the the same email as the official email)
official_email: "", // it will be used to send emails to clients (what they will see)
// number of items to display per section in the first
export const PAGE_SIZE = config.pagination.itemsPerSection;
Last updated